Anne Arundel Genealogical Society

Kuethe Library Volunteers Needed

The Ann Arrundell Historical Society recently announced that, starting in January 2025, the Kuethe Library will be open on Thursdays and Fridays, as before, but only on the fourth Saturday of each month. This change was caused primarily by a lack of volunteers. Hours on all days are 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.

The Kuethe Library is a valuable resource for our members, and the public who are researching their ancestors in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and other locations in the United States. The library offers a variety of published books and other material that may not be available online. In addition, the Kuethe Library provides access to Ancestry Library Edition, and is a FamilySearch Affiliate Library, offering access to records on FamilySearch that may not be available to home.

Volunteers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the resources a the Kuethe Library, so they can assist patrons who need help with their family research. A working knowledge of the Ancestry and FamilySearch websites is desired, but can be learned. Volunteers will also work on projects specified by AAGS or AACHS to make more records at the library available to researchers.

Please consider giving a few hours of your time to keep this valuable genealogical resource open in the future. Questions or more information? Contact us at