Anne Arundel Genealogical Society

Help Expand Our Bible Record Collection

Did you know that AAGS has copies at the Kuethe Library of more than 300 family Bibles from Anne Arundel County, the rest of Maryland, and across the US?  There’s even an index to the Bible records and associated surnames. We’ve collected these records over the years by holding Bible copying days at locations all around Anne Arundel County. 

Most of the collection has been scanned, but the quality of the scans varies. We have indexes of the Bible records and the surnames in the Bible records, but they need to be updated. We need your help to compare the Bible record index to the current collection, identify the Bible records that have not been scanned, scan them, and update both indexes (record and surname). Once everything is up to date, we need your help to find the poor-quality scans and rescan those records.

While in-person Bible copying days are still a possibility in the future, we want to establish a process to allow family Bible owners to contribute to our collection by scanning their Bibles at home and sending us the scanned copies. We need your help to establish a process which includes (at a minimum) getting permission from the Bible owner, recommending scanning apps, and providing scanning and forwarding instructions.

Once we have the updated indexes and scans, we need your help to help us define a process using the indexes to allow researchers at the Kuethe Library access to the scans. 

For updating the scans and indexes, you need to be able to work with spreadsheets. If scanning is required, library staff will provide instructions on how to operate the scanner. For the home scanning project, familiarity with scanning apps, and the ability to write clear and concise instructions is necessary. 

This is your opportunity to help us collect and preserve the genealogical heritage of Anne Arundel County and beyond. With your support, we hope to update, expand, and increase the value of this unique collection to genealogy researchers.

If you would like to help us with this effort in any capacity please contact Tom McCarriar or leave a message at the Kuethe Library at 410-760-9679.