Anne Arundel Genealogical Society

Proposed AAGS Bylaws Amendment

Current Bylaws


Article 6: Officers

Section 2: Vacancies

If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the First Vice-President shall become President. Any officer who fails to attend two consecutive board meetings without written notification will be deemed to have submitted a resignation, and the Board of Directors may declare the office vacant. For a vacancy in any office other than President, the remaining directors by majority vote shall elect a successor to the office for the unexpired portion of the term.


Proposed Amendment


Insert the following after the first sentence in Section 2 above:

If the First Vice-President is unable to assume the office of President, the remaining directors will immediately form a nominating committee, and govern the Society as a board until a President is identified, elected, and assumes office.




The current AAGS Bylaws specify that if the office of President is vacant, the first Vice-President shall become President. In some cases, the First Vice-President may be unable to become President, or, by vacating the First Vice-President (Programs) position, would leave a vacancy in a position that directly provides a critical member benefit. The proposed amendment allows the First Vice-President, in the absence of a President, not to automatically assume the office of President, and establishes a mechanism for the continuing governance of the Society in the absence of a President. 


Approval Process


Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by any member of the Society. Proposed amendments must be reviewed by a special bylaws committee appointed by the Board of Directors and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors before being presented to the general membership. Notice of proposed amendments will be provided to the general membership at least one month before a vote is taken. The method of voting will be decided by the Board of Directors. Approval by a majority of members voting shall be required for adoption of any amendments. 


The amendment was unanimously approved by a vote of the Board of Directors at the February 15, 2024 AAGS Board Meeting. A vote will be scheduled and emailed to all members along with the AAGS Elections ballot on April 2, 2024. Voting will be open for one week.


If you have questions or comments, please contact us at