Anne Arundel Genealogical Society

Curious About Your Family History?

The Anne Arundel Genealogical Society wants to help you discover more about your family history. We invite you to become a member, visit our research center, browse our website, and attend our monthly presentations and special events. Our Historical and Genealogical Research Center at the Kuethe Library in Glen Burnie houses more than 6,000 books, many photographs, maps, CDs, and obituary, bible, and church record collections. Because our history is so connected with our neighboring counties and states, we have an extensive collection of material from across Maryland and surrounding states.
Perhaps our most important asset is our staff of experienced genealogists. The people you will meet at the Kuethe Library and at our meetings have a wealth of experience and knowledge they are always willing to share.

Beginning, intermediate, and experienced family history researchers will find resources both usual and unusual in the Kuethe Library. Our monthly meetings feature presentations by experts on a wide variety of genealogy topics. Visitors are welcome.

Let us know how we can help you with your family history research.
On a regular basis, we email notices of upcoming meetings and events, renewal reminders, and newsletters. We have heard from some of you that you aren't receiving our email. β€‹Check here for some possible solutions.


DNA Special Interest Group

​The Anne Arundel Genealogical Society DNA Special Interest Group (SIG) is a member benefit. Kathy Korin and Tom McCarriar are the group moderators. The group is open to AAGS members at all levels of DNA knowledge and experience. The purpose of the group is to explore the use of DNA as a genealogical tool, and to inform and educate members about the use of DNA in their personal genealogical research.

February 2025 DNA Special Interest Group


Whether you’re a returning member or joining us for the first time, you’re warmly welcomed! This group is for anyone interested in exploring how DNA can unlock family history mysteries—beginners, intermediates, and advanced researchers alike.


We’re featuring a speaker at our February meeting. We hope you’ll join us for an engaging and educational session.

πŸ—“ Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025

⏰ Time: 7:00pm ET

πŸ“ Location: Online (Zoom) We will email the Zoom link to all AAGS members on Monday, February 17, the day before the meeting.


What’s on the agenda?

  • DNA discoveries, tools, and news from the past month!
  • Wendy McLean will present “Are You My Mother?: Using DNA Evidence with Genealogical Research to Resolve Cases of Unknown Parentage." 

This presentation explores how combining the results of Direct-to-Consumer DNA testing with genealogical research can assist in resolving cases of unknown parentage. 

Wendy is a Genetic Genealogist specializing in using DNA evidence and genealogical research to resolve cases of unknown identity. She began her work in this field in 2017, assisting adoptees in identifying their biological parents. Since then, she has shifted her focus to supporting law enforcement by providing identity leads in cases involving unidentified human remains.

  • Open Q&A: Bring your questions and DNA puzzles for group discussion!

Let’s make 2025 the year of breakthroughs and discoveries in genetic genealogy.


RSVP or Questions?

Contact us at


Tom & Kathy


AAGS Upcoming Program - March 13, 2025

Join us on THURSDAY, March 13, 2025, at 7:00 PM via Zoom. Cari Taplin will tell us about “Genealogical Grit: Persevering Through Tough Problems." 
When an answer is elusive, do you tend to give up? Don’t stop just because one thing didn’t turn up any records for you. There are always more databases, digitized collections, online books, and so much more to find. This lecture discusses “genealogical perseverance” through examples and how they were overcome.  Topics include:
  • What is “Genealogical Grit” and how can it be used to excel through tough problems?
  • Examples of tough research problems from broken links, missing databases, lack of digitized records, and general access problems.
  • Examples of tough ancestor problems from individuals with the same names in the same time and place, to disappearing ancestors.
  • Solutions for solving these problems using methodology and strategies such as: FAN Club, DNA, timelines, and utilizing online search tools such as WorldCat, ArchiveGRID, and others to find the records, and more. 
Cari Taplin is related to Roy Rogers. Or at least that's what her family told her. As a result, finding her true heritage has been her focus since the year 2000. She is a native of Wood County, Ohio but now lives in Longmont, Colorado. Cari holds the Certified Genealogist® credential and has served in a wide variety of volunteer and leadership positions for state, local, and national societies. As the owner of GenealogyPANTS, she provides speaking services. She also lends help and shares her expertise as an administrator on the highly popular Facebook Group “The Genealogy Squad.” Cari currently works for Ancestry ProGenealogists. Cari’s personal research focuses on midwestern and Great Lakes states. When she’s not working on her genealogy, she is a wife, and a mother of two young adults.
We hope you will join us on THURSDAY, March 13, 2025, for this interesting and relevant presentation! 
To register: 

AAGS Members: You will receive the Zoom link via email before the event.

Non-Members: Please email to register and receive the Zoom link. We request that you register no later than Wednesday,  March 12, so we can send you the link in a timely manner.


AAGS Upcoming Program - April 9, 2025

Please join us, with the Howard County Genealogical Society, on WEDNESDAY, April 9, 2025, at 7:00 PM via Zoom. If your New Year's resolution was to write your family history, but you haven't quite started yet, Lisa Alzo will present “No More Excuses: Ten Family History Writing Tips for Procrastinators." 
Often the most difficult part of writing a family history is getting started. If you feel stuck due to information overload, lack of time, or writer’s block, you are not alone. In this session, learn ten simple tips to stop procrastinating and start writing!
Lisa A. Alzo, M.F.A., is a freelance writer, instructor, and internationally recognized lecturer specializing in Eastern European research and nonfiction writing. She is the author of 11 books, including the award-winning Three Slovak Women, and hundreds of magazine articles. Lisa works as an online educator and writing coach. She has been inspiring others to research and write about their ancestors for over 20 years, and has presented more than 60 webinars for Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Learn more at
We hope you will join us on WEDNESDAY, April 9, 2025, and get started writing your family history! 
To register: 

AAGS Members: You will receive the Zoom link via email before the event.

Non-Members: Please email to register and receive the Zoom link. We request that you register no later than Tuesday,  April 8, so we can send you the link in a timely manner.


Planning to Visit the Kuethe Library?

You can make the most of your time by doing some research online before you arrive.  More than 5,000 of our books are now listed in the Anne Arundel County Public Library catalog.  We’ve also posted indexes of our Bible records, genealogy (surname) files, and more here on our website.  And we are working on an index for our Anne Arundel County obituary records.  Take a few minutes to check these resources at home so you can head straight to the information you need when you arrive.  We hope to see you soon at the Kuethe Library!

Anne Arundel County Probate Index

The Maryland State Archives is participating in a joint project with the Comptroller of the Treasury, the Registers of Wills, and FamilySearch to Index and scan the state's probate records from 1634 to 1940, and to make them available online. Volunteers are preparing the documents for scanning, and indexing the records. Scanned records from this project are accessible on the FamilySearch website, but they are not yet indexed. Many of the records can be accessed using the new FamilySearch full-text search capability.

Scanning of Anne Arundel County probate records has been completed. We are excited to make the Anne Arundel County Probate Record Index available to everyone researching their Anne Arundel ancestors. Use this index to identify your ancestors' probate documents either before visiting the Maryland Archives, or digging in to FamilySearch records online.. 

Indexes have also been completed for Caroline, Carroll, and Baltimore counties. They are available on the Maryland Genealogical Society website.

Check here for more information about volunteer opportunities at the Maryland Archives.


AAGS Publications

Grave Matters: Cemetery Inscriptions, Anne Arundel County, Maryland Volumes 1, 2, and 3 provide tombstone inscriptions, and, in some cases, additional information obtained from cemetery records, verbal conversations, privately published records, government records, individuals familiar with the sites, and family members. These books focus on the non-commercial cemeteries north of Route 50 in the county.

Volume 1 contains information on 92 cemeteries in Annapolis Junction, BWI Airport, Ft. Meade, Hanover, Harmans, Jessup, Laurel, Severn, and several sites just beyond the county border.

Volume 2 contains information on 45 cemeteries in Brooklyn, Curtis Bay, Glen Burnie, Linthicum, Millersville, and Odenton.

Volume 3 contains information on 69 cemeteries in Arnold, Crofton, Crownsville, Gambrills, Pasadena, and Severna Park.

The books are fully indexed by surname and maiden name. Alternate cemetery names are also included. All three books can be purchased on Amazon for $25 each. A limited number will be available at the Kuethe Genealogical and Historical Library in Glen Burnie for $25.00 each, or for a reduced price of $60 for the three volume set.


AAGS Publication - Abstracts of Land Records Anne Arundel County, Maryland (Volume 8)
This is the eighth volume of a series started by the Anne Arundel Genealogical Society. It covers the period of 1754-1763. While the title is Abstracts of Land Records there is much more than just land transactions in these volumes. They include all the transactions recorded by the court clerk. The abstracts of land transactions include basic information including; grantor, grantee, date of deed and of recordation; consideration paid, and release of dower. Many of the transactions are not sales but what today we would call a mortgage or a loan. Collateral for such loans were the land, indentured servants, slaves, animals, and other items of value. Other actions recorded include the finding of stray horses, the ships and freight rates for sending tobacco to London, the release of soldiers, and other matters. Some of the transactions were carried out in Great Britain or other Maryland counties but involve current or former Anne Arundel County residents or property in the county.
Abstracts of Land Records, Volume 8 can be purchased on Click here to buy your copy.

Member Benefits in Readings Online

Two of our publications, Anne Arundel County, MD Wills Index 1777-1918, and Anne Arundel County, MD Marriage Records 1777-1877, are now available to our members in searchable pdf format. The Wills Index provides an alphabetical list of the primary persons in each of the Anne Arundel County (Maryland) will records between 1778 and 1918, and contains the names of over 3,700 persons, the book number and page number where the record is located at the Maryland State Archives, and the year of the record. The Marriage Index is an index for brides, with 4,736 marriage records.
Click on the links above to preview these publications. Members can access complete copies in Readings Online after logging in to our website. And in case you missed it, pdf copies of The Old Stone House, by Margaret Sparrow, and Louisa C. McPherson's Book, edited by Ray Ringgold and indexed by Audrey Bagby, are already available to our members in Readings Online.
If you prefer hard copies of the Wills Index or Marriage Records, you can still purchase them for $5 in our Store, while supplies last.


St. Anne’s Cemetery Committee in Annapolis, MD Needs Your Help!
The St. Anne’s Cemetery Committee is planning to do the first major update in years for both St. Anne’s and St. Anne’s Cedar Bluff cemeteries. If you have information about individuals buried in either cemetery (name, death date or place, plot information, cemetery deed, burial plot receipt, funeral home, or obit), they want to hear from you.
Contact information:
St. Anne's Parish House (for the churchyard, St. Anne's cemetery, and St. Anne's Cedar Bluff cemetery)
199 Duke of Gloucester St.
Annapolis, MD  21401

AA County Citizen Preservation Stewardship Program

Until the 20th century, it was common to establish small family cemeteries on private land. These cemeteries hold an important place in the history of our communities. They represent the resting place of those who made Anne Arundel County the place it is today. The names on the headstones are often the same names given to nearby towns, roads, and landmarks. Unfortunately, unchecked development and vandalism are destroying these important cultural resources.

Anne Arundel has the largest number of cemeteries and the oldest tombstones in Maryland. County regulations do not allow cemeteries to be moved from their original location. To preserve these records of the past, and to respect the final resting places of our ancestors, we need your help documenting the current condition of cemeteries in Anne Arundel County.

Join Anne Arundel County’s Citizen Preservation Stewardship Program to help document and preserve the history of Anne Arundel County. For more information see this flyer, or visit


Join Us on Facebook

Already on Facebook?  Log in to your Facebook page, then enter and choose Anne Arundel Genealogical Society in the search box, and ask to join. We have reached over 1,300 AAGS Facebook Group members nationwide!

New to Facebook?  Go to  Provide the information requested to set up your free account. Then you can "friend" other Facebook members and share your comments, photos, videos, and favorite websites. You can join groups (AAGS, for example) and send public and private messages to your Facebook friends.  It's a great way to meet other genealogists and maybe even make contact with long lost relatives.  Give it a try!