Anne Arundel Genealogical Society

About AAGS

Established in 1974, this year marks our 50th year of helping the people of Anne Arundel County and Maryland learn more about their ancestors and heritage.  Our extensive collection of genealogical reference material has been housed at the Kuethe Library in Glen Burnie, Maryland since 1992, and is open to the public for a small fee (free to members).

We meet at 7:00 PM on the first Thursday of every month unless there is a conflict with a holiday. We are currently meeting virtually. Join us as our engaging speakers address topics which have included Irish research, Photoshop Basics, Maryland Land Records, and Revolutionary War Ancestors, to name a few.

Our mission is to:
  • Promote genealogy and family history research in Anne Arundel County
  • Help our members, and the public, learn about genealogy and apply that knowledge to their family history research
  • Research, compile, and publish genealogy records and related information
  • Host and participate in events to raise the public awareness of, and interest in AAGS and genealogy

AAGS Meeting - Irish Ancestors

The Anne Arundel Genealogical Society (AAGS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  If you have an interest in genealogy, we encourage you to explore our website, come to our meetings, and become a fully participating member.  

Operating Year: May 2024 - April 2025

President: Vacant
Vice President (Programs): Cynthia Steinhoff
Vice President (Membership): Kathy Korin
Treasurer: Adriana Gormly Andrews
Secretary: Sara Worrall Greenleaf
At-Large Board Member: Donald C. Brown
At-Large Board Member: Shelley K. Pollero
At-Large Board Member: Tina N. Simmons
At-Large Board Member: Susan Law
At-Large Board Member: Kenneth R. Boyer
At-Large Board Member: Jack Martin
Immediate Past President: Tom McCarriar
Appointed Positions
Cemetery: Tina N. Simmons
Kuethe Library Coordinator: Vacant
Library Catalog: Carol A. Carman
Property Manager: Vacant
Publications: Tom McCarriar
Publicity: Vacant
Queries: Vacant
Newsletter Editor: Vacant
Web Manager: Tom McCarriar