Anne Arundel Genealogical Society
Welcome to Genetic Genealogy Links!
The links on these pages provide quick reference to several categories of genetic genealogy resources. This is a work in progress. We will add links and categories as we discover new resources, but we can't possibly keep up with all the changes in the world of DNA. If you have a suggestion for a new link or category, contact us at
These links are provided for your information and convenience. By clicking on a link, you will be leaving the AAGS website. While we make every effort to evaluate all the sites to which we link, AAGS cannot endorse or be responsible for the content provided on these sites.
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DNA Painter is an easy-to-use tool that helps genealogists make sense of DNA testing. By mapping segments of DNA to chromosomes, we can begin to see which ancestors gave us which pieces of DNA, and thus how new matches are related. As a result, DNA Painter has quickly become an essential tool for genealogists!
Last Updated: 9 February 2022
DNAGedcom is a free 3rd party site that offers downloads of complete DNA files and data (in text *.csv format) from FTDNA and 23andMe. The tool will construct a table for each chromosome which includes match and segment information as well as a visual graph of overlapping segments, juxtaposed with a customized, color-coded ICW matrix that will permit you to triangulate matching segments without having to look in multiple spreadsheets or on different screens in FamilyTreeDNA.
Last Updated: 10 February 2022
GEDmatch is a free, volunteer-run website for people who have already tested their autosomal DNA at one or more of AncestryDNA, 23andMe, Family Tree DNA or WeGene. Testers download a copy of their autosomal DNA raw data file from their own testing company online account, and then upload this file to GEDmatch where it is processed and added to a large database.
Last Updated: 10 February 2022
Genetic Affairs offers tools which groups together your DNA matches into clusters of matches that most likely descend from common ancestors. These tools can help in the identification of unknown ancestors (for instance an unknown great grandfather) or assist persons with unknown parentage to their birth families (e.g., adoptees or donor-conceived persons).
Last Updated: 16 September 2024
A non-profit site by folks affiliated with DNAAdoption and DNAGedcom to replace YSearch and MitoSearch. This website allows people to upload their Y and mitochondrial DNA results and compare the values to each other, not just for matching, but also to see the values that do and don’t match and how they differ.
Last Updated: 10 February 2022